A simple "But effective" Bad word kicker DscriptŠ _.ˇ´¯`ˇ.¸DScriptŠ by DonDon '96-'97¸.ˇ´¯`ˇ.¸_ This Version RUNs on MIRC ver 4.7 ! IF ya don't have it , get it ... Visit my homepage at http://www.cinternet.net/~don *** IMPORTANT NOTEs *** 1.)) Paste >> all REMOTE / EVENTS lines << to the >> VERY END << of the Events section or it will "override" all on text lines below mine. 2.)) the aliases "dl" checks the ial(internal address list" for a users "level", it MUST be check marked in the remotes section 3.)) This script will only kick Level 49 or lower. Change each occurence of "if ($dl($nick) < 50)" tooo "if ($dl($nick) < "yourlevel") Paste In Remote / events >> at the VERY end !!! << 1:on text:*:#: { if ($dl($nick) > 49) { halt } %parms = $parms if (%WordCheck = ON) { if ($badword($token(0,32,%bad.word),%bad.word) = true) { kick $chan $nick Don't say " $+ %word $+ " ... LameBrain $dscript | halt } } } 1:on action:*:#: { if ($dl($nick) > 49) { halt } %parms = $parms if (%WordCheck = ON) { if ($badword($token(0,32,%bad.word),%bad.word) = true) { kick $chan $nick Don't say " $+ %word $+ " ... LameBrain $dscript | halt } } } 1:on notice:*:#: { if ($dl($nick) > 49) { halt } %parms = $parms if (%WordCheck = ON) { if ($badword($token(0,32,%bad.word),%bad.word) = true) { kick $chan $nick Don't say " $+ %word $+ " ... LameBrain $dscript | halt } } } In Aliases Paste dl { if ($level($address($1,0)) = $null) { return null } | return $remove($level($address($1,0)),$chr(44)) } badword { %i = 2 | :w | %word = $ [ $+ [ %i ] ] | if (%word isin %parms) { return true } | elseif (%i <= $1) { inc %i 1 | goto w } | return false } dscript { return (DscriptŠ by DonDon) } > --- Example Bad words --- < Put the following line in REMOTE/Variables %bad.word fuck shit cunt bitch goddamn $hit fuk dumbass %WordCheck on Paste in Popups WordKICK .Toggle:{ if (%WordCheck = ON) { set %wordcheck OFF } else { if (%bad.word = $null) { set %bad.word fuck shit cunt bitch goddamn dumbass } set %wordcheck ON } echo 6 -a "Bad Word Kick is %WordCheck $+ " | echo 4 -a I will kick on these words | echo 4 -a %bad.word }